Man this was a hard race, but I had a lot of fun. I ran this race with a good mate (Gregor) and Mauricio (client). Apart from some cramps at the Down Under Beach Run in the swim and entering the water again. But other than that the swim went to plan. The bike was a real challenge and the first half went to plan. The Platte did not want to end, it just went on and on. I was glad to get to the top. On the way back to Wiesbaden I started to cramp again and actually had to get off the bike and stretch. As the run started I was feeling good. The run was a slight uphill run Which I did not realise. I should of done more research into the course. Lessen learned. The last round from 4 I had to stop again and stretch out as I was cramping again. As I was sitting down and stretching under a tree, Gregor came past and I was able to run my last lap with him. Gregor and my client finished this race as well. It was a great experience.