Weakness Wednesday 24.06.2020 Shoulder Mobilisation
Swim Mobilisation for swimmers. The following exercises are great for a quick dry warm-up before going swimming or even before hitting the gym. Enjoy and see you next week.
Swim Mobilisation for swimmers. The following exercises are great for a quick dry warm-up before going swimming or even before hitting the gym. Enjoy and see you next week.
Welcome back to Weakness Wednesday, where I will focus on our weaknesses to make us Stronger. Today we are focusing on some more dynamic progression exercises from last weeks workout. Keeping to Neuromuscular Training as the focus, for our Ankle and knee Stability Tune in next week as we proceed on to Shoulder, Strength and…
Welcome back to Weakness Wednesday, where I will focus on our weaknesses to make us Stronger. Today we are focusing on some progression exercises from last weeks workout. I am using a tool called the PATmat that helps me control and see my progression/results. You dont need a PATmat for the exercises but it is…
Welcome to my first Weakness Wednesday, where I will focus on our weaknesses to make us Stronger. This week I will start at the bottom by our Ankles. Since I tore both Ligaments this year I have been quite consistent on my Proprioception Exercises or also known as Neuromuscular Training. Today is a basic workout.…
Hi there guy and Girls, Here is a small video that can help you with your swimming strength during this weird time of Corona. I personally use this workout myself and with all my Athletes during the whole year and Triathlon Season. Check put my New Youtube Channel for more tips and workouts: Wade Weightman…